Older Driver Awareness Week

Aging gracefully is a journey that brings about changes in our lives, including how we drive. Older Driver Awareness Week, observed from December 4 to 8, is a crucial event that focuses on promoting road safety and raising awareness about the specific needs of older drivers. As we age, it’s essential to make informed and safe choices when it comes to driving. In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of Older Driver Awareness Week and how it encourages seniors to make choices that prioritize safety on the road.

Older Driver Awareness Week: What Is It?

Older Driver Awareness Week is an annual event designed to highlight the importance of road safety and aging driver awareness. It serves as a platform for acknowledging the unique challenges older drivers may face and encourages discussions on how to address them. This week provides valuable insights into driving safely as we age and offers resources for older drivers to make informed decisions.

The Objectives of Older Driver Awareness Week

Raising Awareness: The primary objective is to raise awareness about the specific concerns and needs of older drivers, such as changes in vision, reaction time, and cognitive functions.

Encouraging Safe Choices: This week encourages older drivers to make safe and informed choices, whether it involves regular evaluations, adaptive equipment, or adopting defensive driving techniques.

Promoting Family Conversations: It emphasizes the importance of open and empathetic family conversations about driving safety, ensuring that older drivers can maintain their independence while staying safe.

Safe Choices for Seniors

Older Driver Awareness Week encourages older drivers to prioritize safety by making informed choices. Here are key aspects that older drivers should consider:

Regular Evaluations: Periodic evaluations of vision, physical fitness, cognitive abilities, and medication management are essential for maintaining safe driving as we age.

Adaptive Equipment and Vehicle Modifications: Adaptive equipment and vehicle modifications can significantly enhance safety and comfort for older drivers.

Education and Training: Defensive driving courses and technology workshops can help older drivers refresh their skills and learn about advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS).

Family Conversations: Open dialogues with family members allow older drivers to address concerns, discuss options, and make necessary adjustments to their driving routines. 

Resources for Older Drivers

Older Driver Awareness Week is an opportunity for older drivers to access resources and information that can contribute to their safe and independent aging on the road. These resources may include:

Safety Tips: Guidelines for safe driving practices and strategies for staying safe on the road.

Local Programs: Information about local programs and services that cater to older drivers.

Supportive Communities: Resources and communities where older drivers can find support, engage in conversations, and share experiences.

About Us

At Driving to Independence, we are dedicated to promoting safe and independent aging on the road. With a focus on evaluations, adaptive equipment, education, and family conversations, we aim to be your trusted partner in promoting road safety for seniors. Our mission is to empower older drivers to continue enjoying the freedom and independence that driving brings. 


As we observe Older Driver Awareness Week, let’s prioritize road safety and ensure that older drivers can make choices that keep them safe and confident behind the wheel. Safe and independent aging is within reach, guided by our dedication to supporting older drivers on their journey toward safe and fulfilling driving experiences. Don’t forget to explore ADED.net for additional resources and information to enhance your awareness during this important week. Safe and independent aging is a journey worth celebrating and cherishing.