All my life the one dream I had was to drive, but being born with Clubbed feet it was hard to control the gas and brake with my foot. That dream quickly faded.Living in New York it never was that important to own a car, but once I moved to Las Vegas I knew it would be harder getting around the city with Uber and Lyft,whenever you want to go somewhere.So I starting searching online about how I could drive. I came across something I never seen or knew about….Hand Controls and a company called Driving To Independence My life was never the same after that call.
Within weeks I was starting to see a dream opening up before my eyes, the team at Driving To Independence was so welcoming and listened to my hopes, my fears and my wants. Little by little instead of a teacher Barbara Wiggins, I had a new friend. She helped me not just drive with the adaptive equipmentbut she also helped me learn to drive,so it was like 2 classes in one. We would start our lessons early in the morning, cause anybody living in Vegas knows about the summer heat. She also helped prepare me for the DMV driving test. Which I passed because I had a great teacher.
They don’ttreat you like a client they treated me as a friend. And I will never forget them, so if you always wanted to drive but never thought you could, think again cause you never know what tomorrow brings….